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Hello to all. I haven't recorded my day to day musings since I was about 12. My sister read my diary, and I have never used one since. I suppose now is a good a time as any to begin again, but without the paper. After all, there are lots of things I think about these days.

Wednesday 24 January 2007


February 2009. Cold. The coldest in years. Good, as that means its actually a proper winter, not like the mamby pamby excuses for winters we have had in recent years. They were barely worth dusting off the thermals for.

Today I took a walk of about 6 miles, and the snow came down with a vengeance. It was truly lovely, and I hope my phone coped with the conditions as I attempted to take some pictures. I did wish I had a cover for my Canon. Maybe one day I'll get one.

It's been two hours since my walk, and the snow has turned to mush, and it's raining. Rubbish.

I just hope my trainers dry out in time for the walk tomorrow.

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